Friday, September 23, 2011

Photos and Apologies

I know that saying, "I've been so crazy busy!" is like the grown-up version of "The dog ate my homework!" excuses, but...I've been crazy busy. With the Princeling on his new preschool schedule, and doctor's appointments, and our trip to northern Virginia last weekend, and a nap strike, things just kind of spiraled. I'm sorry I took it out on you, beloved Grey Skies readers. 

To make it up to you, here are not one, not two, but THREE Juban Princeling photos from our trip! We took Amtrak down from NYC to Alexandria and spent a lovely weekend with my cousin Rudy and his family The Rudys. Here you go. Next week back to normal, I promise.

Watching America go by

On the little train at Burke Lake Park (Photo courtesy of Mrs. Rudy)

On our way home, watching Baltimore outside the window

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Meredith.

I nominated you for a Liebster Award. When you're ready to get back to normal blogging, pick up at my blog, at

The details are there on how to accept the award. Congratulations!